Sunday, January 8, 2012


Good morning.

I believe my eyes, yes I do indeed, when I look out the windows and see what I only knew I'd see because I do check the forecast, but oh, I am so put off when my eyes blur from the overload of brownness and malnourished rot they spy on the snow-less ground. Not even a speck of ice today, not a puddle formed on the desperate and parched sidewalks. It is January and I used to think that the first month of the year meant I would indulge in a little seasonal shivering, layered in sweaters and wooly things, marching around in giant, weather proofed outer-gear. But now it seams that January is just a big ugly disappointment, a browned out let down! And a boo oo oo to that. I can only parade around in my favorite of earmuffs and my mountainous Sorrel boots, which sadly never get to proper use, when I am willing to look the fool in a light dusting of flakes and breezes worthy of springtime blooming! Maybe I should go back to bed... Can someone wake me around six to eight inches?

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