Sunday, January 1, 2012

and then it was 2012

Well, let's see... 2012 eh? I haven't even considered making a resolution. In fact, I am trying to recall if I made one last year or the year before that... I vaguely recollect yawning and being nearly bored to death watching the ball drop somewhere in between switching through the major networks and MTV. At some point I see myself tipping back the dregs of my champagne glass, thinking that I would like 2011 to be a happier, less stress filled year where the brand new spouse and I would smile more and poke and prod less, a year where the stars would align, in my favor, to put all things right, and a year in which I would be a bit less of a grouch grouch and more of a shimmering angel spreading love and kindness throughout my day...or I would at least not be quite so judgmental and pessimistic (those are the same thing right - an Angel, an Optimist?). And assuming that was my version of a New Year's resolution, just how did 2011 really stack up? Well, I feel like I grew much and learned a lot about myself. I have a year of marriage under my belt and things are actually looking more complicated by the day, but we did find a way to navigate through tricky moments. I managed to firmly close the door on some rueful sadness, to stand my ground where I needed to be firmly planted, and as for being more angelic - ahem - I would really need to survey some of my dear friends to accurately report on that one!

In the end, right up to 11:59 pm, I felt like the year whizzed right by and whatever happened, I am okay with it. So moving on and into the future, today I say, "Hello Twenty-Twelve! How do you do?" I have resolved to simply buckle in and take it as it comes!  -peace out-

The last dog attack of 2011. Gabby Dickerson Dog


  1. You can stand your ground AND be wonderful--you've proven it this past year. Love you always!

  2. awww... love you too, Deb Deb! Thanks to you both, Deb and RC for your support and your friendship!
